Customize Lead Entry Forms

Create custom lead entry forms within Bullseye to allow customers to submit their information to your locations. 

Required:  Available in Connect and Optimize subscriptions, and as an add-on to the Find Subscription.

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  1. Open a Form for Editing
  2. Configure Form Fields
  3. Configure Form Settings
  4. Save the Form
  5. Preview and Test the Form
  6. Publish and Implement the Form

Before you read this article: please make sure you are familiar with our other Lead Manager documentation. An overview with links to related topics can be found here: Getting Started: Bullseye Lead Manager Overview

Bullseye allows you to create custom forms to allow leads to submit their information to dealers. The lead can access the form either by clicking on a link in the search results of a standard interface (see Add Lead Collection to your Store Locator) or by opening a stand-alone lead collection form (see Publish a Stand-Alone Lead Collection Form).

Follow these steps to customize a lead entry form:

1. Open a Form for Editing

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To set up configurable forms within Bullseye, go to  Interfaces > Forms in the left navigation of your Lead Manager account. You will see a screen similar to below:

You can create a new form or work with an existing form. To create a new form, click the  + Add Form button. To edit an existing form, select Edit next to the form that has the Lead Type "Location." We will edit an existing form for this article.

2. Configure Form Fields

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When you select edit, you will see a screen like the following:

Add/Remove Form Fields:

First, you need to select which fields will appear in your form. You can add standard fields on the left by checking them off, then select  Add Selected. The field you add will appear on the right. To remove fields, check the appropriate field on the right side, then select Remove Selected. The field will show up on the left after it is removed.

Edit Form Fields

You may want to edit the name of the fields. If so, select  edit on the right for the appropriate field, and simply change the name. The example above shows the email field in the process of being edited. You can also make the field required or not required by checking yes or no as in the example above. Select save next to the field when you are done.


You may want to allow the user to indicate their interest in specific categories. For instance, if a lead is looking for a particular product, you could allow them to choose the category in the form to let the dealer know what product they are looking for. 

Custom Fields

If you need to add additional fields, this can be done by adding a custom attribute. We suggest creating your custom attributes before building the form. Once they are created, you will see the attributes in the form builder, and you can add them as you add other fields.

When you have configured your fields, select the  Form Settings tab at the top.  

3. Configure Form Settings

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After selecting Form Settings, you will see the screen below:

You can add an optional HTML content block that will be added to the left of the lead form fields. This field provides a WYSIWYG editor or structured HTML using the view control at the bottom:

Here's what the content block looks like from the interface:

If you have the Text Lead Notification subscriptions, you’ll see additional options for Text Templates:

  • Lead Type: Select Location to collect leads for your Lead Management subscription. (The Event option is for event registration; see Create Custom Lead Entry Forms for Event Registration for more information.)
  • Form Name: Name your form as appropriate. This is the identifier for the form that you will see when you look for it in the Bullseye admin.
  • Form Title: This is the title that your web traffic will see at the top of the form when they fill it out.
  • Lead Source: You can track your leads by source. By default, the source is "web". You can also configure your own lead source if you want to see how many leads come from a particular form. First, you will need to add a lead source. After that, select the correct Lead Source in the drop-down menu here.
  • Thank You Message for Leads: This is an optional email message that gets sent to the lead after they submit their information. You can edit the contents of the email, or create a new version, by going to Settings>Notifications on the top right admin menu. If you want to activate this email, simply turn this email on as needed.
  • You've Got Leads Email for Dealers: This is an optional email that can be sent to a location to let them know a lead has been submitted. It can be edited, or new versions can be created, under Settings>Notifications on the top right admin menu. Simply turn on/off as needed. Note that in order for this email to be sent, the location needs to have an email address associated with it (either in the username/email field, or contact email field; if the username/email field is used, the email address must be unique, and a password must be included). 
  • Select Email Template: Select a template to use for the You’ve Got Leads Email for Dealers email. Multiple templates can be configured under Settings > Notifications
  • Select Text Template (available with the Text Lead Notification subscription): Select a template to use for the You’ve Got Leads text for Dealers that have opted to receive new lead notifications via text. 
  • CSS Form Styles: You can enter your own Javascript or CSS form styles in this field to alter the styles on the form to match your website. Simply paste the code in the field.
  • Captcha: Enable the Captcha option to discourage spammers from sending robots to your form with bogus lead information.
  • Form Submission Options: Select Display Message to leave a Thank You message to the lead after they submit their lead information. Select Redirect to URL if you want to forward the lead to a particular web page instead of displaying a message. Select Redirect to an Embedded Interface to forward the lead to a Bullseye locator interface (See details in #6 below.)
  • Message After Form is Submitted: Enter the message you want your leads to see in the form window after they submit the form.

4. Save the Form

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At any time during the configuration of your form, you can select  Save to save your changes. When you are done configuring the form, select Save and Close to return to the list of forms. 

5. Preview and Test the Form

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To preview the form, select the Preview link next to the form:

You will see the form:

Note the there are 3 modes: Preview, Test, and Live.  

  • Preview Mode: Allows you view the form only, you cannot submit leads.
  • Test Mode: If you have turned Lead Manager Test Mode on under Settings > Account > Edit you will see Test Mode as the option next to Preview Mode on the form. When this is selected, the lead you submit will be emailed to whatever email address you include under Settings > Account > Edit.
  • Live Mode: If you have turned Lead Manager Test Mode off under Settings > Account > Edit you will see Live Mode as the option next to Preview Mode on the form. When this is selected, you can select a location/dealer to receive the lead info. Once you select the location, you can submit the lead information. 

6. Publish and Implement the Form

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The Publish Tab is the last step in editing your form. This is where you may obtain the code to paste into your website if you want to put the form on one of your pages (use the iFrame Embed Code for Lead Form option as seen below):

For the final steps of setting up the form on your website, or for linking to an external form that is hosted on Bullseye's domain, see Publish a Stand-Alone Lead Collection Form for more information.  
If you want to implement a traditional locator with search results, and have the form appear when the user clicks on the locator's search results, See Add Lead Collection to your Store Locator for more information. 

Alternately, you may add the form to a sand alone lead collection page that displays a dealer locator after the leads are submitted. This approach combines a stand-alone form with a traditional locator.  See Implement a Stand-Alone Form that Redirects the Lead to a Dealer Locator