Add Custom Attributes
How to create Custom Attributes to contain additional information that pertains to locations, lead forms, categories, or events.
Requirements: Any paid Subscriptions |
Working with Complex Attributes
Add Locations Manually via the Bullseye Admin
Upload Locations in a .CSV File
Create Lead Entry Forms for Event Registration
Sometimes companies need to include additional information in their locator's search results that is not covered in our standard fields. For example, you may want to include a description of each location, allowing each store to let the public know some details about their store.We can store this extra information in custom attributes. Custom attributes are available for locations, leads, events, categories, and promotions.
For store locators, Bullseye's standard web interfaces allow companies to display custom attributes on a detail/landing page, or on search results using CSS with Advanced Styles in the interface builder. Keep in mind that custom attributes for Categories only work with custom interfaces, not with our standard interface.
Other companies who use our Lead Manager may want to use custom attributes to create additional fields to capture lead information that is not included in our standard fields when they build a lead form.
If you are displaying location events in your search, you may also want to include additional information that is not available in the standard fields we provide.
You may also create a custom store locator interface using our API and use attributes, including promotion attributes, to return data that is not covered in our standard fields
Custom attributes can be entered in these formats:
- Text: Use for short text information on location landing pages, lead forms, or events.
- Memo: Use for long text information, paragraphs, etc. where a description is required on location landing pages, lead forms, or events.
- Numeric: Use to capture or display numeric data on location landing pages, lead forms, or events.
- Yes/No: Use for either/or scenarios (i.e. “Does this location accept credit cards?”) on location landing pages, lead forms, or events.
- Radio Group: Use to select or display a single option from a list of more than one options on landing pages, lead forms, or events.
- Drop Down: Use to select or display a single option from a list of more than one options on landing pages, lead forms, or events.
- Checkbox Group: Use to select or display a single option from a list of more than one options on landing pages, lead forms, or events.
- Link: Use to put an active link to a web page. You may include display text that is different from the url itself (used for locations/landing pages only).
- Photo: Upload a image to a location landing page via browsing to a file or dragging and dropping, or reference one by URL using the Image Uploader Tool. Image URLs must start with https://
- Category: Display a subcategory (product/service, etc.) as part of a complex attribute on a location landing page.
- Location: Display a location that has been entered into Bullseye on a location landing page or event (this currently works only with custom interfaces, not with the standard Bullseye interfaces).
- Text Look Up: Provide the ability for a keyword search related to an event or location landing page (this currently works only with custom interfaces, not with the standard Bullseye interfaces).
- PDF: Display a PDF file on a location landing page, or on an event (this currently works only with custom interfaces, not with the standard Bullseye interfaces).
How to Add a Custom Attribute
Go to Settings > Attributes and select Add Attribute. You will be taken to the Add Attribute page. Type in the name of the attribute, select from the “Related To” options - Location, Lead, Promotion, Category, or Event. Next, select an appropriate field type. For the field types text, memo, numeric, yes/no, link, and photo, simply select Save after you select the field type. You will now be able to enter data in this newly created field. See Upload Images Using the Image Uploader Tool below for information on using the image uploader.
For the field types drop down, radio group, and checkbox, you will need to enter additional information. After you select the field type, the following screen will appear:
Simply enter an option next to the “ name” field and select Add Option. Each option will appear as an item in a list. Repeat for all options. You can edit or remove options as needed. When you are done, select Save. Note that the entered options can be deactivated, after you save them. This allows you to make edits to a particular options while keeping the other options intact. You will not be able to delete attributes if you have locations with data in these attribute fields. Data must be removed from the fields in all location records before the attributes are deleted.
For the Location attribute type, choose Location or Event for the Related To option. To display a location on a location's landing page, you can search for the location that has the landing page under Manage Locations. After you select the location, find the location attribute, and choose the location to display within the drop down list. You may also assign the location attribute with locations by using the location CSV upload. To associate a location attribute with an event or a promotion, you must go to the Event in the admin, and select the location from the drop down. This attribute only works with custom interfaces.
For the Text Look Up attribute, you'll need to add options which will be search criteria. Users will need to enter text that is at least a partial match to the option you enter. You can enter an unlimited number of search items. After that is done, you'll need to select the correct options on the locations or events themselves, and users will be able to search for those items once your custom interface is integrated with this attribute. When this attribute is added to locations, you may also add the data via the location .CSV upload. To associate a text lookup attribute with an event or a promotion, you must go to the Event or Promotion in the admin, and select the location from the drop down. Custom attributes are not supported on the Event CSV import. This attribute only works with custom interfaces.
To include the PDF attribute on locations, you'll need to assign the PDF file to the individual locations, either by uploading the file with the locations in a CSV file, or by uploading the PDF to each location on an individual basis. For events or promotions, PDF files will need to be manually uploaded to individual events or promotions via the admin (they cannot be uploaded in the Events CSV template). Keep in mind that the PDF attribute only works with custom interfaces, not with our standard interface.
For the Category attribute, first create a complex attribute (see this article). Once you create the complex attribute, you will need to create a sub-attribute using the category field type. If you have created category groups, select from the groups you have created. If you haven't created category groups, by default, you will see "Categories" as the category group. Select the category group. The categories that apply to the category group may be assigned individually on each location. This attribute only works on custom interfaces, and is not functional with the .CSV upload. NOTE: Category attributes are not available for Categories.
For location-based attributes, you will see the data for the attributes on the landing page for each location (except for Text Look Up, PDF, Location, and Category field types which are not supported on standard landing pages). You will need to turn on the landing pages by going to Interfaces, then select Edit on the appropriate interface, then Options. Under the Results heading there is a check box to display the landing pages. Select Display Landing Page, and save the interface.
To include attributes on a lead form see the Customize Lead Entry Forms article above.
Upload Data for Attributes
Once you have entered the attributes into Bullseye, you can use the .csv upload to upload attribute data if you need to upload the data for multiple locations. In the case of images, use fully qualified URLs. See the Upload Locations Via a .CSV article provided above. Text Look Up, Location, and Category field types are not supported in the .CSV upload.
Modify Attribute Permissions
With a User Management subscription, attribute permissions can be modified to grant users different levels of access to these fields. See this article to learn more about this feature.