Working with Complex Attributes
Create Complex Attributes to organize and store multi-part location data.
Requirements: Any paid subscription |
Also See:
How to Add Locations Manually via the Bullseye Admin
Upload Locations in a .CSV File
Complex attributes are a type of attribute that is composed of one or more sub-attributes. Complex attributes support an unlimited number of sub-attributes of any data type supported by attributes. There can be only 2 complex attributes per account, but there can be an unlimited number of any complex attribute.
Complex attributes give businesses a better tool for storing, organizing, and communicating location related content. Please note that they are not currently supported on interface landing pages.
To create a complex attribute, navigate to the Add Attribute page at Settings > Attributes. Click on the Add Attribute button. Selecting a Complex attribute as the Field Type will display the Sub-Attribute Information area and Add Sub-Attribute button:
For the text sub attribute, there is an option to "show in list" as in the image above. This displays the name of the attribute and the value that is entered in list on the location's record, which makes it easier for the location to view data on the sub attribute, instead of forcing the user make extra clicks to view the data. An example of this might be a sub attribute that shows multiple salespeople:
By default, this would display just the name Complex Attribute in the header. By selecting to display the sub attribute in the list, the location will see the sub attribute label (i.e. "Salesperson 1,") and the value entered (Tom Flynn) for easy reference.
Existing sub-attributes are listed in the lower part of the page. The Add Sub-Attribute button will launch the Add Sub-Attribute page, which will display the Sub-Attribute Information area, where the name and field type can be chosen:
Sub-attribute field types can be any field type allowed for attributes, EXCEPT the Complex field type.
The following field types are available:
- Text: Use for short text information on local pages, lead forms, or events.
- Memo: Use for long text information, paragraphs, etc. where a description is required on local pages, lead forms, or events.
- Numeric: Use to capture or display numeric data on local pages, lead forms, or events.
- Yes/No: Use for either/or scenarios (i.e. “Does this location accept credit cards?”) on local pages, lead forms, or events.
- Radio Group: Use to select or display a single option from a list of more than one options on local pages, lead forms, or events.
- Drop Down: Use to select or display a single option from a list of more than one options on local pages, lead forms, or events.
- Checkbox Group: Use to select or display a single option from a list of more than one options on local pages, lead forms, or events.
- Link: Use to put an active link to a web page. You may include display text that is different from the url itself (used for locations/landing pages only).
- Photo: Upload an image to a local page via browsing to a file or dragging and dropping, or reference one by URL using the Image Uploader Tool. Image URLs must start with https://
- Category: Display a subcategory (product/service, etc.) as part of a complex attribute on a local page.
- Location: Display a location that has been entered into Bullseye on a local page or event (this currently works only with custom interfaces, not with the standard Bullseye interfaces).
- Text Look Up: Provide the ability for a keyword search related to an event or local page (this currently works only with custom interfaces, not with the standard Bullseye interfaces).
- PDF: Display a PDF file on a local page, or on an event (this currently works only with custom interfaces, not with the standard Bullseye interfaces).
- Video: Display a video on a local page. Video are made up of a Title, Thumbnail, and Link.
Drop Down, Radio Group, or Checkbox Group field types will display the Sub-Attribute Options area, and Add Option button, in the same way they do when created as attributes.
Category sub-attributes display available category groups in the Attribute Options area. Select one category group per sub-attribute here to allow back-end users to assign locations to category sub-attributes on the Location Detail page.
For the Location attribute, choose Location or Event for the Related To option. After that is done, save the attribute. To display a location on a location's landing page, you can search for the location that has the landing page under Manage Locations. After you select the location, find the location attribute, and choose the location to display within the drop down list. You may also assign the location attribute with locations by using the location CSV upload. To associate a location attribute with an event, you must go to the Event in the admin, and select the location from the drop down. This attribute only works with custom interfaces.
For the Text Look Up attribute, you need to choose Location or Event for the Related To option. Once that is done, you'll need to add options which will be search criteria. Users will need to enter text that is at least a partial match to the option you enter. You can enter an unlimited number of search items. After that is done, you'll need to select the correct options on the locations or events themselves, and users will be able to search for those items once your custom interface is integrated with this attribute. When this attribute is added to locations, you may also add the data via the location .CSV upload. For Events this attribute is not functional with the CSV upload, it needs to be added manually to individual Events. This attribute only works with custom interfaces.
For the PDF attribute, you will need to select the PDF attribute type after you select Location or Event for the Related To option when you create an attribute. Once you select either option, save the attribute. For including PDFs on locations, you'll need to assign the PDF file to the individual locations, either by uploading the file with the locations in a CSV file, or by uploading the PDF to each location on an individual basis. For events, PDF files will need to be manually uploaded to individual events (they cannot be uploaded in the Events CSV template). Keep in mind that the PDF attribute only works with custom interfaces, not with our standard interface.
Once a sub-attribute is created, it is available to every location. You can add and edit complex attributes from a tabbed page on the location detail page, which can be opened via Manage Locations. In the following example, the complex attribute named “Teacher” is shown.
Existing complex attributes are listed in the order they are created. To edit, click the Edit link, or click the Delete link to delete one. To add new complex attributes to a location, click the Add [complex attribute name] button.
Enter information for each sub-attribute. Click the Save button to save your changes. Click the Add [complex attribute name] button again to add another.
After editing a complex attribute, click the Save button to save your changes.