Add and Manage Events
How to set up upcoming events and display them on locations based on their date.
Requirements: Any paid subscription
Bullseye allows companies who offer local store events to promote them on their store locator. If you have product demonstrations or other events at stores, you can assign the event to a location based on date/time, and display it on the location's record when users search. You can optionally create a separate Event search that works independently from your store search. For more information on activating the separate events search after configuration, check out this article.
To display events on locations, follow these steps:
- Set up Events Details
- Assign Events to Locations
- Assign Events to Categories (optional)
Set Up Events Details:
To set up events, go to the Events link on the left-hand side in your Bullseye account, then select Add Event. You'll be taken to a screen like this:
Notice there are 3 tabs: Event Details, Location, and Categories.
Under Event Details, enter the event's title.
Enter the date and time for the event by using the calendar icon and by selecting the appropriate time. To display an image for your event, select Choose File, then browse to the image you'd like to include. Once you select the file, the word Upload will appear. Select Upload, and your image will become visible.
After you upload the image, some additional event information can be entered:
Event Description: Enter the description you would like your leads to view when they read about the event.
Organizer Name: Enter the organizer's name.
Organizer Description: Enter a description for the organizer.
Include Links to Facebook and Twitter: Check this option to include the social links. Also enter the name of the page (not the whole url) in the field next to Facebook or Twitter, and make sure each individual site is checked if you want both to be displayed.
Third Party ID: Enter a Third Party ID: Used when you need to assign multiple events to a single location using the Import Events option. The number you enter will be included when uploading the events in a .csv file to assign the multiple events. Otherwise, this can be left blank. Information on uploading Events can be found in this article.
Registration: Turn registration on by selecting the radio button if you would like to have visitors register for an event,. This will activate a link on the landing page in the search results that users can link to in order to register. You can provide the link for the registration by entering a url into the field, assuming you have created your own registration form. We also support the ability to create a registration form within your Bullseye account.. Details can be found in our article Create Custom Lead Entry Forms for Event Registration. Note that, if you enter a url in the Registration field here, it will override the form you create and assign to the interface.
Event Contact Email Address: This functionality is only available if you have an Event Registration subscription (see registration link above). This allows you to sent an email notification when someone has registered to an event.
Assign Events to Locations:
If the user creating the event only has one location, events will automatically be assigned to the location. If the user has more than one locations, follow these instructions:
To assign the event to a location, click on the Locations tab, then select Assign Locations, at the bottom you'll see a screen similar to below:
Use the Country search or advanced search to find the location or locations that need to be assigned to the event. Select the correct location when it appears by checking it off on the left. Then select Assign Locations at the bottom.
Use the Quick Add Location option if you haven't yet entered the location that needs to get assigned to the event. If you select that option, you'll get a screen similar to below:
Enter the information for the location.
The option Make available for the store locator search can be enabled or disabled as needed. If you want the location you have entered to appear in the search results on your store locator, make sure this option is selected. Sometimes companies want to display the event only in the separate event search, and suppress the location from being displayed in the store locator. If this is the case, make sure the option is not checked. Note that, even if you choose to keep the location from being displayed in the location search, you still need to assign the event to a location in order to display it in the separate event search.
Once you select add location, you can select it to assign it to the event. If you need to add more specifics to the location later on, you can do this under Manage Locations in the admin.
When your web visitors view a location that hosts an event, they will see the name of the event on the location's record:
If you don't see the event displayed, make sure you have Events enabled by going to Interfaces, and selecting Edit on the correct interface. Under Results Options, select the option to include events. If you don't see this option, contact us at (732) 868-8463 to upgrade your subscription or to have a trial run of the Find subscription.
If you click on the text of the event you'll get the events detail page:
Assign Events to Categories
Events can be assigned to categories for display in the separate events search mentioned earlier, allowing users to choose a category for the type of Event, and find events only within that category. To assign an event to a category, select the Categories tab:
Assign the category by selecting the appropriate checkbox. Then select save or save & close. When you have assigned the category to the event, and also assigned the category to at least one location, the category search will appear in the events search:
Note the extra tab in the example above which separates the Event search from the Store Locator search. Users can select the category to filter by the particular type of event.