Upload Events

How to upload your upcoming events and assign them to locations in a .csv file.

Requirements: Any paid subscription

If you need to configure multiple events at one time, or assign events to multiple locations, it may be easier to upload the events instead of setting them up one at a time manually.  As with locations, events can be uploaded in their own .csv file. 

Before you begin uploading, make sure you have a web premium subscription, and have enabled the events upload by turning the option on under  Settings>Setup>Menu Settings on the top right.

For other information on events also see the content on the article below:

Events Overview

Option 1: Map Import Fields

This option has the advantage of allowing you to keep your column headers as they are named in your file. There is no need to rename your columns to match ours, so it can save time spent on formatting.  Note however, if you use the Map Import Fields option, you will not be able to assign your events to attributes or categories (types of events).  To assign your event to attributes or categories, you must use the Bullseye Event Template Option #2 explained below.  

Before uploading, check the table at the bottom of this article for notes on how to format your data.

When you are ready to upload Events using the Map Import Fields option, go to Events>Import as in the example below:

Select Map Import Fields After that, you'll need to select Upload File and Import Events  You will see a screen that looks like this:

Your fields will likely be named differently from our fields, assuming you have named them.  Map your fields to the correct fields in Bullseye by selecting the field on the right that corresponds to the correct field in your file. We provide an example for each column so you have a reference of the actual data as a reference.  If you haven't provided column headers in your file, you can go by the Field Example alone as a reference to map to the Bullseye fields. When you are done mapping the fields, select the Import button at the bottom. 

After you import, you will see one of 3 statuses:

  • Completed-This means your file has uploaded correctly.
  • Failed-Your file was rejected, click on the view errors tab, correct the issue, or contact us if you need help.
  • Pending-This usually happens if you upload a file that has categories using the Map Fields option.  Remove the categories and try again, or use the Template Option (see below).

Option 2: Use Bullseye Events Import Template

To upload events using the template, first go to Events>Import.  Then select Download Template as in the example below.

Once you have the template opened, you can begin entering the events data.  Here's an explanation of the fields in the file:

Field Name Required? Example Notes
EventTitle Yes Tennis Racket Demo Simply enter the name of the event.
StartDate Yes 7/21/2017 The date that the event will start. Specify the correct format in MS Excel under Format Cells/Number/Category/Date.
StartTime Yes 8:00 AM The time the event will start. Specify the correct format in MS Excel under Format Cells/Number/Category/Custom.
EndDate No 7/21/2017 The date the event will end. Specify the correct format in MS Excel under Format Cells/Number/Category/Date.
EndTime No 8:00 PM The time the event will end. Specify the correct format in MS Excel under Format Cells/Number/Category/Date
EventImageURL No https://yoururl.com/images/racketdemo.jpg Put an image for the event on a secure server, and put the url to the image in the field.  Image URLs must start with https:/. The image will show up on the event page.
EventDescription No Our biggest racket sale yet! Include a short description to describe details of the event.
OrganizerName No ABC Sporting Goods If there is an organizer or leader of the event, include the name of that person.
OrganizerDescription No The east coast's premier sporting goods retailer Include some background information on the organizer name.
RegistrationURL No https://yoururl.com/register.html Include a url to an events registration if attendees are required to register at a url you have.
FacebookURL No BullseyeStoreLocator Enter the name of the Facebook Page only, the last part of the url, either a number or Facebook page name.
TwitterURL No bllseyelocations Enter the name of the Twitter Page only, the last part of the url.
ThirdPartyID No 55723 A unique ID for an event which is used when there are multiple events assigned to a location.
ContactEmailAddress No [email protected] Include an email address if you'd like users to send an email to an event organizer.
Registration No Y Include Y (Yes) or N (No) if you want to link to your own registration url from the event.
LocationThirdPartyID Yes 65432 Use this field to associate an event with a location.  This ID is sometimes supplied buy our clients when they upload their own 3rd part IDs in the location upload. Seperate multiple locationIds with a semi-colon. If you don't have a ThirdPartyID in your location file, use LocationBullseyeID instead
LocationBullseyeID Yes 1234456 Use this field to associate an event with a location if you don't have a ThirdPartyID. To find the locationbullseyeID, search for the location in the admin, and click on it in the search results. You will see the ID at the end of the location's url in your browser. Seperate multiple locationIds with a semi-colon
(Attribute) No yes There is a separate header for each attribute column. The header will vary for each column. We recommend creating the attributes first and downloading the .CSV file to ensure the headers are correct. Your data entry will depend on the field type. For checkbox attributes, separate each checkbox attribute with a semicolon. For link attributes, separate the link and display text with a semicolon. For photo attributes, enter secure image URLs starting with https://
(Category) No X There is a separate header for each category column. The header will vary for each column. We recommend creating the categories first and downloading the .CSV file to ensure the headers are correct. Put an "x" to indicate that the individual row/event will be returned in a search for that category.

After you have entered the data, Select the file under Upload File, then Import Events.  

You will likely get 1 of 2 statuses:

Completed-This means your file has uploaded correctly.

Failed-Your file was rejected, click on the view errors tab, correct the issue, or contact us if you need help.

Contact us at 732-868-8463 if you need help.