Allow Locations to Manage Their Own Data
A how-to guide to giving your locations access to Bullseye to update their data.
Requirements: Available in all Subscriptions |
Note: Before you allow locations to manage their own data, you need to enable this option under Settings>Set Up>Options/Location Administration: See Using the Approval Workflow to understand the different configuration options.
Add Location Admin or Location User in the User Tab
You can add users manually through the Users tab on the location or alternately through Manage Users (see this article for details on using Manage Users). Note that, when users are created through the Manage Users page they are not automatically assigned a location, and will not be able to access their location until it is assigned to them. Therefore, it is advisable to add the user directly to the location they will be managing (as shown in this article) as it gives them access to the location automatically. If you create a user through Manage Users, you will need to take the extra step of manually assigning the user to a location. Since a login email is sent to the user immediately after you create the user, it is possible they user will try to login to Bullseye before you have associated the user with a location, which can cause confusion.
Note that it is possible to create multiple logins for locations through the admin.
To set up a user for a location, navigate to Manage Locations in the main menu and select the location the user will manage. Click on the Edit button. Go to the Users tab and select Add User.
A new page should open with the fields below:
User Role: This dropdown contains a list of all the roles in the account (to learn about roles see this article). Select Location Admin or Location User.
Username (Email): The email address specified here will become the user’s username when they need to login.
After you enter the User Role and Username, select Invite and Close. This will send an email to the user with an invitation to join. The user will be assigned to the location but will remain inactive until the user accepts the invitation.
To complete the activation process the user must click on Accept this invitation in the invitation email they received.
When they click this link a registration form will open. The user must enter their First and Last Name and create a password.
Once the user completes the registration form and clicks on Get Started, they will receive a message confirming their account activation.
The user can log in to their account with their credentials and should be able to see the location by clicking on Manage Locations.
Add Users and Locations through the .CSV Import
You can use the .CSV import when you have multiple locations that need to login. Users created through the CSV import are automatically activated and do not receive an invitation email. After the file is uploaded you can send the users a welcome email with their log in information. The .CSV upload can only upload a single login.
Follow the steps in this article (see the Create Location Logins paragraph) for adding users through the .CSV import.
Allow Locations to Sign up on their Own
You can also create a login page for locations to sign up on their own, or allow them to sign up right from your locator page. See Configure Location Registration for more information.