Custom Roles
A how-to guide for creating custom roles to allow users to have specialized permissions that are not possible with default roles.
Requirements: Available in Connect and Optimize subscriptions, and as an add-on to the Find Subscription. |
All Bullseye subscriptions include a default set of user roles:
- Administrator
- Account User
- Location Admin
- Location User
Each default role has a predefined set of permissions that govern what functionality is available to the user (To learn more about default roles see Reference for Allotted Permissions). In some cases, default roles do not grant ideal access for specialized requirements. You may need to allow greater access, or perhaps more limited access for certain types of users. For example, a manufacturer who uses regional reps that monitor the lead assignments to certain dealers would usually enter the reps as a custom role, since the regional rep layer is not covered within default roles. Another possible example would be a company that needs to give a sales rep who works at a dealership limited access to what can be edited within their location account. These unique roles, and other specialized roles are better handled with a User Management subscription which allows more flexibility (contact us for a subscription).
Create a Custom Role
Access the Manage Roles page by selecting Users > Roles. When you arrive at the Manage Roles page you will see the default Bullseye roles.
Default roles, with the exception of the Administrator role, can be modified by selecting the Edit option next to the role if you have a User Management subscription. This allows you to rename the role and customize the predefined permissions. The Administrator role cannot be modified because it gives the user master permissions to all entities in the system.
In addition to editing default roles, you can create new roles with customized permission sets. Click on the Add Role button to create a new role.
This will take you to the Add Role page which will contain the fields listed below.
Name: Enter the name of the role.
Description: Provide a brief description of the role.
Class: Determines if the user will have account-level access or location level access. If the user is an employee of your company, and will have dominion over locations, and will be managing account related information such as viewing reports or setting up interfaces, select “Account”. If the user is an employee at a dealer/location, select “Location”. Once a role is created, class cannot be modified.
Rank: Determines if the user can add and manage other users within their class. “Admin” rank roles will always have the ability to add and manage other users (given that the permission entity is enabled). “User” rank roles will not be able to add or manage users. However, a role with the class “Account” and rank “User” will have the ability to add and manage users in the “Location” class, but never within the “Account” class. Once a role is created, the rank cannot be modified.
*Note: There can only be one Administrator role. Additional accounts level roles must be entered as a User. Additional Administrator roles (Class= Account, Rank= Admin) cannot be created. *
For this example, we will create a “Regional Rep” role. Since a Regional Rep manages account-related information, we will select Class=Account and Rank=User. After you have entered all required fields select Save.
Select the Permission tab to select the set of permissions for this role.
Depending on the subscriptions and modules installed, there are several types of permissions possible:
- Location: Dictates if the user has the ability to add, modify, view and delete locations. Additionally, location permission entities provide field-level granularity to allow you to select which fields within a location the user has access to, when adding, modifying, or viewing a location.
- Lead: Dictates if the user has the ability to add, modify, view and delete leads. Additionally, lead permission entities provide field-level granularity to allow you to select which fields within a lead the user has access to, when adding, modifying, or viewing a lead.
- Categories: Dictates if the user has the ability to add, modify, view and delete categories.
- Interfaces: Dictates if the user has the ability to add, modify, view and delete interfaces.
- Promotions: Dictates if the user has the ability to add, modify, view and delete promotions.
- Events: Dictates if the user has the ability to add, modify, view and delete events.
- Reports: Dictates if the user has the ability to view reports.
- Users: Dictates if the user has the ability to add, modify, view and delete users.
- Dashboard: Dictates if the user has the ability to view the Dashboard.
Check the checkbox for the permission entities you want the user to control. When you create a new role, all the permission entities will be unchecked. You will have to individually check each checkbox, or select Assign All to check all the boxes and then deselect the ones you don't want if necessary.
Select Save and Close, you have successfully created a custom role.
Once you add a custom role, the role will appear in the role drop down on the Manage Roles page. If you need to assign a user to the role, simply select the custom role from the drop down to assign the user. Detailed steps for adding and managing users can be found in Add and Manage Users.
Delete Roles
You can delete roles on the Manage Roles page when you select the Delete option next to the role you want to delete or by selecting the Editoption and then the Delete button on the top of the page.
If the role you are attempting to delete is assigned to a user, the system will prompt you to reassign the user to a different role before you delete it.
*Note: Administrator roles cannot be deleted*