Create Custom Layouts
Create custom layouts within Bullseye to allow different user roles to view and edit different sets of location and/or lead information.
Required: Find subscription |
Bullseye allows Administrators to create custom admin layouts to allow different user roles to view and edit different sets of location, lead, or event information. Multiple layouts can be created, and each layout can be assigned to 1 or more roles. Each layout can be configured to display any available fields or field blocks.
Our Headings, HTML, and Text Block fields help you clearly define groups of related fields, and add instructions or minor notes above a group of fields. This helps users get acquainted with forms they will be using, making using the form easier. See examples and learn how to use these blocks below:
Headings: A distinctive gray background and larger font helps identify the start of related content, and visually groups fields together
HTML: Include extra visual reinforcement through images or HTML.
Text Blocks: Simple unformatted text notes, when simple is all you need.
Follow these steps to customize a layout:
1. Add a Layout
To set up custom layouts within Bullseye, go to Settings > Setup and click on the Layout tab. You will see a screen similar to below:
Click the Add Layout button to open the following screen:
Name your layout, and select components to add to the layout - you can add location, lead, and event components that can be configured to modify the default Location Detail page or the Manage Leads page.
Here you can also optionally configure other options that can be used by any layout.
Status: By default, a new layout is disabled when it’s added, and must be enabled in order to be used by a role. Click the radio button to enable a layout.
Assign Roles: Each layout can be assigned to 1 or more roles, but each role can only be assigned to 1 layout.
Welcome Screen: Below the Status, you can configure a custom Welcome screen for users, by providing a title and description that will be displayed in the Dashboard.
Announcements: Check the “Include Announcements Dashboard” option to display Announcements that you configure below the Welcome message. If this option is enabled, a new “Announcements” menu will be added to the main left-hand navigation when the layout is saved.
Click Save. Once a layout is saved, click on the Edit link next to any component that is included in the layout. This will open the Layout Details tab for the location, lead, or event component.

2. Configure Layout
On the Layout Details tab you’ll be able to choose what tabs to include and in what order tabs should appear on either the Location Details, Add/Edit Leads, or Add/Edit Events page. Layouts include an option to limit roles assigned to the layout to being able to add only 1 location.

If complex attributes have been created, they will be available to add as tabs. To add a complex attribute as a tab, select the attribute on the left, and select Add Selected. The attribute will appear on the right side. Click on the Edit link to limit the number of instances that can be created of each type of complex attribute. A text link (“Save”) will appear to save the number of instances you need. Select the Save link:
On the Save button at the bottom use the drop-down control on the right to select Save and Continue. Now you’re ready to configure the layout. You will see a screen like the following:
Add/Remove Layout Fields:
First, you need to select which fields and blocks will appear in your layout - what fields are available differs between location and lead layout, but the concept is the same. Initially, all fields are included. You can add standard fields and blocks on the left by selecting them, then select Add Selected. The field you add will appear on the right. To remove fields, check the appropriate field on the right side, then select Remove Selected. The field will show up on the left after it is removed.
Edit Layout Fields
You may want to edit the name or required status of the fields. If so, select edit on the right for the appropriate field, and simply change the name.
The example above shows a text block in the process of being edited.
You can also make some fields required or not required by checking yes or no as in the example above. Select save next to the field when you are done.
You can reorder fields by clicking and dragging fields to the desired order using the sorting handle. When you save, fields will be displayed in the layout in the order configured.
Custom Attributes
If you need to add additional fields to the layout, this can be done by adding a custom attribute. We suggest creating your custom attributes before building the layout. Once they are created, you will see the attributes as a tab in the location layout builder, and you can add them in the same manner as you add standard fields.
Complex Attributes
If complex attributes exist, you will see each one as a separate tab in the location layout builder, and you can add their sub-attributes to the layout in the same manner as you add standard fields and custom attributes - by moving them from the left column to the right. You can also include an HTML page header to appear at the top of the complex attribute tab on the Location Details page. Check the “include HTML page header” option to display an editor for configuring a message.
Complex attributes are not available for leads or events, and will not be included on lead or event layouts.
3. Save the Layout
At any time during the configuration of your form, you can select Save to save your changes. When you are done configuring the layout, select Save to return to the list of layouts.
4. Implement the Layout
When users log in to Bullseye, they’ll see the enabled layout assigned to their role when they view or edit locations.
5. Other Considerations
It should be noted that User Permissions override layout permissions. If a field or attribute is added to a layout that a user does not have permission for, it will not be displayed.