Configure New Location Welcome Email
How to configure the "welcome" email that you can send to new locations. This email is often sent when a Bullseye client has uploaded locations into Bullseye, and has provided an email address in the UsernameEmail field. Once email addresses have been included in that field, you can use this email to send login info to those contacts.
This email can be sent manually via the Manage Locations menu.
1. Set Lead Manager Test Mode (Optional)*
Before configuring and testing emails, place Lead Manager in test mode. This will automatically redirect outbound emails to the addresses you specify and prevent test messages from being sent to actual dealers and others. For instructions, see Set Lead Manager Test Mode.
*Use this option only if you have a Lead Manager subscription. If you only have a regular locator subscription, please disregard.
2. Modify Default Theme
If you haven't already done so, modify the default them to give your email the look and feel you want, and to apply your branding. For instructions, see Customize Email Themes.
3. Edit Template Settings
- Click Settings > > Email Settings.
- Click the Edit link next to the New Location Welcome template.
On the Settings tab, configure the available fields.
Click Save to save your settings.
4. Edit Template Body
- Click the Body tab
- Edit the content of your email using the WYSIWYG editor. Remember that background styling, header image, footer text, etc., can be standardized in the theme. See Customize Email Themes for more information.
- Use the merge fields drop-down in the WYSIWYG editor to insert dynamic content into your email. Available merge options are:
- [username] - the user's username
- [password] - the user's password
- [companyName] - the business name of the associated Bullseye account
- Click Save to save your settings
- Click the Preview button to preview your email content and theme. Note that the preview will not include dynamic merge content.
- Click the X in the upper right corner of the preview to close the window and return to the edit screen.
- Click the Test button to initiate an actual email test of your content and theme. Note that this test will not include dynamic merge content.
- Enter one or email addresses (separated by semicolons) to receive the test email.
- Click Send Test o send the test email.
- When you are finished, click Save and Close to return to the list of templates.