Mexico State Codes

Following is a list of States in Mexico along with their abbreviations.  The full name or abbreviation is accepted.

State Abbreviation Alternate Abbreviation
Aguascalientes AG
Baja California Norte BC
Baja California Sur BS
Chihuahua CH
Colima CL
Campeche CM
Coahuila CO
Chiapas CS
Distrito Federal DF
Durango DG
Guerrero GR
Guanajuato GT
Hidalgo HG
Jalisco JA
Michoacan MI
Morelos MO
Nayarit NA
Nuevo Leon NL
Oaxaca OA
Puebla PU
Quintana Roo QR
Queretaro QT
Sinaloa SI
San Luis Potosi SL
Sonora SO
Tabasco TB
Tlaxcala TL
Tamaulipas TM
Veracruz VE
Yucatan YU
Zacatecas ZA
México EM