Configure Sources

Sources allow you to track the number of searches or leads from a search interface, lead form, or uploaded file of leads .

Requirements: Any paid subscription

About Sources

Sources allow you to track different information, depending upon your Bullseye subscription.

  • Store Locator Subscriptions - Track the number of searches from a Bullseye search interface.
  • Lead Manager Subscriptions - Track the number of leads from a lead form, event form, or file of uploaded leads.

Add a Source

To access the Sources section go to Settings > Sources. To add a new search source, select Add Source. You will see this screen:

Note: If you do not have a Lead Manager subscription, the Source Type drop down will not be visible.  For other subscriptions, search sources will only apply.

Under Source Type, Select Search Source if you need to track the number of searches from a search interface.  Select Lead Source if you are gong to track the number of leads. Type in the name of the source, then select Save. The source will be saved. Now you are ready to set up the tracking.

Track the Number of Searches from a Search Interface

By default, Bullseye tracks searches both from your website and Facebook locator separately so you will know the number of searches from each. All standard web interfaces are tracked under the source "Web" in the Searches By Source report. You can add other sources as well. For instance, you may want to track the number of searches from multiple standard interfaces if you are using separate interfaces for different brand sites. 

If you want to track searches for a standard Bullseye Interface, you can include the URL parameter when calling the Bullseye search page.  You just need to append the name of the source at the end of the url like this: ?source=source name. This needs to be added to the code when you paste our interface into your website:

  • Go to ;Interfaces in the left navigation
  • Select edit on the interface, or create a new interface
  • When you get to the Publish step, copy the code, add the source to the code, and paste it on your website.

The code would look something like this after you modified the code:

<script type='text/javascript'> var bullseyelistener = function (e) {var regex= new RegExp('^.*\\.bullseyelocations\\.com.*$', 'i'); if(regex.test(e.origin)) {document.getElementById('bullseye_iframe').height = Math.round(;}} if (window.addEventListener) {addEventListener('message', bullseyelistener, false);}else {attachEvent('onmessage', bullseyelistener);}</script> <iframe id='bullseye_iframe' src='// name' width='100%' height='3000' border='0' style='border:none;' scrolling='auto' onload='window.parent.scrollTo(0,0);' ></iframe>

You may also see our article Passing Search Parameters in the Query String.  If you want to track sources from an app or custom interface, a developer will need to write custom code to call our API and pass in Source ID. Contact us if you have any questions on how to set this up.

Track the Number of Leads from a Lead Form, or an Uploaded Lead File

Read the articles below to assign Lead Sources to a Form, or to leads in a .csv file:

After you have assigned your sources, and have received some leads, you can view your leads in the  Leads By Source Report.