Using Advanced Filters
Use the filter builder to find locations matching specific criteria
Requirements: Available with any paid subscription. Requires Administrator privileges. |
A filter expression is a formula (or a set of formulas) that specifies how data should be filtered. Each expression contains three parts:
- a data field whose values should be filtered;
- a filtering value that should be compared to records stored in the data field;
- an operator that compares data field values with a filtering value.
Bullseye’s advanced filter allows end-users to visually build complex filter expressions with an unlimited number of conditions. A practical example would be to find Active locations that are assigned to two specific categories - like a building supply store that sells either Trex decking and/or hardwood flooring.
To access the Advanced Filter navigate to Settings > Tools.
Click on the Filter button to open the Advanced Filter page
At the top of the page above the list of locations you’ll see the filter builder open to the Visual tab. Let’s create a filter to see how it works. Click on “And+” to add your first expression.
The default field is “Active”. Click on the word Active to see a list of all possible fields to filter on.
Click on “Categories” in the list. Every field has a default operator that will appear when you select the field. In this case it’s “Exists”. Some fields, like Categories, have a required condition that is necessary to build an expression - these conditions have an operator but no value, and they require at least one additional condition in order to complete the expression. Click on Exists to see a list of all possible operators.
Select Exists from the list. Click the plus sign next to the word And to add the next condition.
Like before, the default field is “ID”. Click on ID to see a list of all available fields. Select Name from the list. Next we’ll look at the operator
The default operator is “Begins with”. Click on Begins with to see a list of all possible operators, and select “Equals” from the list. Next, click on the <enter a value> and enter “Trex”. You’ve built your first expression!
Click apply and notice how the list of locations is reduced. This expression returns only locations assigned to the Trex category.
To add another expression using “and” logic, click on the plus sign + next to the word Add, or click on the word Add to see other options for building the query.
Here’s what each of those options mean:
- AND: Both relations must be true for the complex expression to be true.
- OR: If either relation is true, the complex expression is true.
- NOT AND/NOT OR: used to negate logical variables or constants.
- Add Group: Used to create a separate and distinct filter to return additional locations in the same result set. For example, you could use groups to find locations that sell both beer AND wine, and also find locations that sell both cheese AND meat.
- Add Condition: this has the same effect as clicking the plus sign next to the word And
- Remove - Use this to remove a condition.
To continue with our example to filter for stores that sell either Trex decking and/or hardwood flooring we will add another expression using OR logic. This expression will build on the “Categories Exists” condition, so click on the word And just below the Categories Exists condition and change it to OR.
Then click the plus sign to add a condition. Follow the instructions above to change the field to Name, change the operator to Equals, and then enter the value “hardwood flooring”. Click Apply to generate the results.
Notice that the list has grown to include locations that are assigned to either the Trex OR hardwood flooring category.