Adding the Bullseye Widget to Your Squarespace Website

How to add the Bullseye widget to a website built in Squarespace:

Requirements: Any paid subscription

Adding Sitewide to Squarespace

Follow these easy steps to add the Bullseye widget so that it appears on all pages of your Squarespace website.

  1. Login to Bullseye at  Select Interfaces, then select Edit on an existing interface or create a new widget by selecting Add a Locator Widget.
  2. Select your configuration options and styles to match your site.  Then Save your widget. 
  3. On the “Publish” page, copy the code from the Bullseye Publish page for the widget you’d like to add.

  4. Login to your Squarespace site at  Click on “Settings”  Then under Website select “Advanced.”  Finally select “Code Injection” 
  5. In the section marked “Footer” paste the code from the Publish Page.

  6. The widget should now appear on all pages of your site.  Be sure to logout to view the working widget.  

Customize Your Widget
You can make style and option edits in the Bullseye interface builder after you’ve embedded the widget on your site.  Changes may require that you clear your cache before they can display in your browser.