Setting up a Wordpress Store Locator using the Bullseye Store Locator Plugin
A how-to guilde to installing the Bullseye Plugin on your Wordpress site
Requirements: Any paid subscription |
To install Bullseye on your Wordpress site, you will need to follow 4 main steps:
- Install the Bullseye app on your Wordpress site.
- Sign up for a Bullseye account.
- Enter your locations in the Bullseye admin.
- Add the Bullseye interface to a page on your site.
1. Install the Bullseye app on your Wordpress site
To begin installation, login to your Wordpress account and go to Plugins in the left navigation. Then select Add New. You'll see a search box that says "Search Plugins." Type in "Bullseye Store Locator" in the search and the Bullseye app will be returned in the search results:
Select Install Now. When the plugin is finished installing, you'll see a link that says Activate Plugin as in the screen below:
Select Activate Plugin. You'll get a message that says "Plugin Activated." You'll see a Bullseye icon in the left navigation as in the example below:
When you select Bullseye, you'll be taken to a screen that asks you to enter login information to link your Bullseye account. You need to create a Bullseye account to obtain the login credentials.
2. Create a Bullseye Account
To create an account, sign up for a free trial. During the set up, you will be sent an activation email that will ask you to verify your information. Check your spam filter if you do not see the activation email.
3. Enter Your Locations
To enter your locations, please follow the instructions in these documents, as needed:
Note that, you may want to skip adding all locations if you don't have your locations organized yet. If so, you can continue adding the app to your site, but keep in mind that the locator won't be fully functional until you have all locations entered. You will need to have at least one location entered in order for the interface to display. When you add your locations to Bullseye, they will instantly appear in your search, and you won't need to reinstall Bullseye on your site. Contact us anytime during the process if you need help.
4. Add the Bullseye Interface to a Page in Your Site
When you are ready to link the Bullseye account to your site, go back to the Bullseye icon in your navigation and click on it. You'll see this screen:
To link the account, enter the email and password you used to set up your Bullseye account when you signed up for the trial account, and select Link Account.
You should receive a message that says Congratulations! The Bullseye Plugin has been linked correctly.
You'll see 2 options: Add A Store Locator Page and Add a New Interface. We suggest using the first option, Add a Store Locator Page, which will create a new page automatically, and install the Bullseye interface on that page:
Enter the name of the page (i.e. Store Locator) and Select as in the example below:
You'll get a message that says Success! A new interface has been added.
To confirm that the locator has been added to the page, go to Pages n the Wordpress admin. In the list of pages, you should see the page you created for Bullseye. Hover over the page, and you should see the view option. Select view and you should see the page with the Bullseye interface, similar to below:
Congratulations! You've got Bullseye on your Wordpress Web site!
Alternatively, you can use the Add A New Interface option, if you'd like to take the Bullseye interface and insert it into an existing page. Just select Add Interface. A piece of code will appear which you can paste on one of your pages.
If you need to adjust the styles on the locator to match your site, go to Interfaces in the left navigation in your Bullseye account, then edit on the appropriate interface. Under the basic tab, you can use the palette or enter hex colors to change colors. We also have some font options to choose from. Under the advanced tab, you can enter CSS code to overwrite our default styles.
To uninstall a plugin from your WordPress blog, follow these steps:
- Click the Installed Plugins link on the Plugins menu.
- Locate the plugin you want to uninstall.
- Click the Deactivate link below the plugin title.
- Click the Delete link that now appears below the plugin title.
- Click the Yes, Delete These Files button.