Add a List Only Interface

Bullseye's embeddable Interface lets you easily create a responsive store locator interface for your site, taking advantages of the adaptability inherent to responsive designs for desktop and mobile users. The embeddable interface offers four template types.  

List Only Template

To begin, log in to your account and select Interfaces on the left.  Then select >Add an Embeddable Interface. You'll see the screen below:

Select List Only and select Next: Choose Options on the bottom right.  You'll be taken to the Options screen:


Next to the General heading, expand the plus signon the right to expand.  You'll see the following screen:

Responsive Interface: We suggest this option, which is selected by default.  The responsive interface works the best with both desktop and mobile searches.

Page Max-Width: If you use the responsive option, the width of the locator interface will normally adjust to the setting you have on your website, and you can leave this option blank.  If you need to specify a particular width, you can also do this if necessary.

Choose Countries: Select either to display all countries your account is configured for or manually select certain countries if you need to create an interface that displays select countries within your account.

Cross Country Borders: If you are using the radius search, this option allows you to return locations within a radius that are in a neighboring country from the entered information. Your search rules must be configured to return radius results only for this to work. If your account is configured to return results with radius, and also the "Other International" region, this will also work.

Category: Select Limit Search Categories if you want to designate specific categories to the interface (Note: this only works currently for location-based categories, not territory-based categories).  Often, this is used for companies that need multiple brand-specific locations within a single account. After you select this check box, an option will appear to allow you to select from the list of entered categories. 

Internet Location: Subscriptions also include the ability to search for Internet locations. Select this option if you want to display only Internet locations in the search (regular locations will be omitted).

Events: Bullseye allows you to have events at locations displayed when locations are returned in the search results.  In addition, you can create a separate search for Events only, which is displayed in a tab next to the main location search.  Select this option if you want the events tab to be displayed.  

Google Analytics: You can configure your interface to send captured data from the Searches By Locations Report to Google Analytics. Events tracked in Google Analytics include all searches, locations returned in the results, locations clicked, and links clicked for a particular location such as Directions, URL and Contact links. 

To link your interface Google Analytics does not need to be configured (Events are created automatically when the interface is linked.) however, you will need to get the Google Analytics code that comes with your Google Analytics account. In Bullseye, you will need to enter the code along with the Host URL in the interface:

  • Host URL: Enter the exact URL of the site where the interface is going to be IFramed. The complete URL must be provided including "http/https".
  • Google Analytics Code: Enter the code provided by your Google Analytics account, include UA-. 

After that information is entered, you will need to re-implement the Bullseye Iframe code on your site.  You can find the code in the Publish heading in the interface.

To configure the search, select the plus sign next to Search:

Default Search: There are 4 options for default search behavior. Only one default search behavior can be selected. 

Auto-search on page load: By default, accounts are automatically able to attempt to detect a user’s location by their IP Address. If location detection is on, locators can use Auto-search, based on a user’s location, to search for locations. This option can not be selected is location detection is off. When using auto-search, you can choose whether to populate the search filter with the detected postal code or city and state.

  • Use Postal Code for Auto-search: Select this option to populate the search text field with a detected postal code instead of city and state when users first arrive at the search.
  • Use city and state/province for auto-search: Select this option to populate the search text field with the detected city and state instead of a postal code when users first arrive at the search.

Preset Locations: Select this option to display all locations in an existing location group. After selecting this option, a drop-down menu will appear to allow you to select from the list of existing location groups. 

Choose display when user's location cannot be detected: When location detection doesn’t work, a user’s location cannot be found, and auto-search cannot work. If Autosearch is selected, you have the option to choose the fallback behavior. By default, No Results is selected as the fallback behavior, and no results are shown in the list. Optionally, select Preset Locations as the fallback behavior, and choose a location group to display in the list. 

Category: Optionally, if it is desired that users be able to filter results by category, they may be displayed as checkboxes or within a drop-down menu for selection. Subscription also includes the ability to search by subcategories (this works for the drop down option only). Select the appropriate option as needed.

Radius Options: Add or remove radii as needed.  If you need to add a radius, simply type it into the text box, and select Add, or select Remove to remove existing radii. Use Set Default to make one of the radii default (The default radius is used in conjunction with location auto detection.  When users arrive at the search, the search can detect the location of the user, and search automatically within the default radius you set.

Keyword: Select this option if you want users to be able to search by the name of the location (this is entered in the Location Name field).  Users may search for the name of the location on its own, or they may combine this with the radius search.

To configure Results, select the plus sign next to Results:

Results Per Page: Set the number of results to between 1 and 20.

Display nearest Location when there are no results: Select this option if you want to display a single location that is closest when no results are found within the selected radius.

Display text when there are no results: Text to display when there are no results: Put a message that will explain to the user that no results were found.  You may want to link to another page, or include a phone number for them to call.

To view the Display options, select the plus sign next to Display:

Custom Icons: By default, the results icon for your locations with be a red plot image.  You can replace that image by uploading your own image(s). Multiple images can be uploaded, and applied per category.   First, select Choose File to select the icon (or drop the file into the box with your mouse).  After that, a button will appear to upload the image.  Select upload. Make sure you complete both steps. When you upload subsequent images, you’ll have the opportunity to select a category to apply the image to.

Categories in Results: Check this option if you want the names of the categories (products or services that locations carry) to be included on the location record in the search results.

PromotionsCheck this option if you want to include coupons/promotions on locations in the search results .

Events (Display Events)Check this option if you want to include events on locations in the search results .

Events (Include Events Registration): Check this option if you want to include a form on locations in the search results to register for events (Events Registration subscription required). You can select a form you have created from the drop-down list.

Contact Name and PositionCheck this option if you want to include this extra data on the location in the results.

Location ImageInclude an image on the location by checking this option.

Location Landing PageInclude a landing page with extra information by checking this option.

Lead CaptureAllow users to fill out a form and submit their information as a lead to individual locations (Lead Manager subscription required). You can select a form you have created from the drop-down list.

Login/Edit Location Link: Display a link to allow locations to log in and manage their own data in Bullseye.

To view the Language option, select the plus sign next to  Language:

You will see a checkbox to enable the language drop down.  This option allows the user to select individual languages from a drop-down menu.  Note that, Bullseye is also able to detect the user's language automatically.  This option allows the user to also select a language manually.  This may come in handy if the user is bilingual, or if the user using a browser in a foreign country.  They can select the language from a drop-down menu to override the language that is displayed. If you want to select this option, select the check box.  You will see the following:

A list of languages will appear.  Select the languages that apply to your locator then choose the Select button.


When you are done with the Options tab, select  Styles, you'll see the screen below:

Under Basic, you have the option of selecting a standard color for your template.  If the options we include match the color of your website, you can select one of the colors, and the corresponding hex code for the style will appear under General Style Settings.  If you need to customize any of the colors, you need to enter the code into the Background Color, Navigation Color, Button Color, or Link Color fields.  After you change any of the colors, the custom option will appear as in the example above.  From the Font drop-down, select the font family that best works with your site.  

The Advanced tab lets you override our CSS with your own CSS. See  Advanced Styles History to learn how to create different versions of advanced styles for testing or historical purposes.:

You can write your own CSS in the provided text field to override our CSS styles.  


When you are done, select Publish at the top or Next: Publish Options on the bottom. 

You'll see the following:

Now that you have the template, options, and styles configured, you are ready to save the interface so you can put the interface on your site, or link to our interface from your site.  First, you need to save the interface.  Select Save as in the example above.  You will be prompted to name the interface:

Enter the name of the interface (letters only) and select  Save and Close.

You'll be taken back to the list of interfaces.  Select Edit on the appropriate interface, then Publish. You have the option to embed the interface in an IFrame on your site or to paste your site's headers and footers into our interface page, and link to it.  Let's look at the IFrame option first.  Select the plus sign next to the option iFrame Embed for Website:

A text field will expand with the code that needs to be pasted into your website.  Simply paste the code into the area on your page where you want it to display.  

Now let's look at the option to paste your header and footer into our page.  If you'd rather not embed code on your site, or if there is some restriction enforced that prevents you from pasting into an iFrame, this option comes in handy.  Select the plus sign next to the option Hosted URL with HTML input for Header and Footer:

If you are only using Bullseye's landing page, you can select the checkbox to enable landing pages only.  Most clients use the entire locator.  Select Enable Custom Code.  You'll see 3 text fields to paste your custom code.  You can optionally include your Head Section in the first box.  Paste your header into the editor where it says Add your custom header code here. You can view the code or the normal look as you would view it on the web once you save it.  You can do the same for the footer as well.  

Once you have the code pasted, select Save at the top.