Add Store Hours to Locations

How to add Store Hours to your locations to let visitors know their hours of operation.

Requirements: Any paid subscription


Store/Business Hours are becoming more commonplace on store locators since companies are looking to provide more information for their potential customers to encourage sales. Regular store hours and holiday hours may be added through the .CSV upload or by manually adding them one at a time to each store. It is also possible to add regular store hours and holiday hours by using our API. Hours can be selected in 15 minute increments in the Admin, and are rounded to the nearest 15 minute increment using the imports or the API.

Add Regular Hours

Add Manually to a Single Location

To add store hours to a single location, go to Manage Locations in the left navigation, and either add a new location, or edit an existing location. After you select add or edit, you'll see the Business Hours heading near the bottom of the page:

First, select the Time Zone that applies to the location so the selected times will relate correctly to the Time Zone as in the example above. After the Time Zone is selected, select the days. You can add hours for multiple days at the same time, or if the hours differ per day you can add them one at a time. After you have selected the days select an Open and Close Time. Click on the check-mark to save.

Mark a Location as Closed

If you want to keep a location in the search results, and display store hours as closed for all days, you can do with by doing the following:

Scroll to the Business Hours heading on the location.  Select Add Business Hours

If you have store hours entered already for days besides Monday, delete those hours by selecting the pencil icon, and selecting the trash can icon next to each day of the week.

Then, simply enter store hours with the same opening/closing hours for Monday only.  For instance use 8AM as both the opening and closing time. You may use any time except for 12AM which is used to indicate that a location is open 24 hours. 

After you have entered the store hours for Monday, select the green check mark to confirm. Select Save when you are done.

If you have a location that is closed on select days, simply enter the store hours as needed on the days when the store is open.  If a location is closed on certain days, just leave those store hours blank.

Mark a Location as Open 24 Hours

As mentioned above, if you select 12AM for both the open/close time for a particular day, the location will be marked as open 24 hours.  Simply enter this for all days the location is open for 24 hours.

Add Hours to Multiple Locations

If you have multiple locations with identical store hours, you can configure the hours on a single location, and then apply the hours to multiple locations.

First, go to Manage Locations and do a search for the locations that need to have the same hours updated:

Select all the locations that apply.  Then click on one of the locations, and select Edit.  Go down to Business Hours:

Add the Business Hours, and select the check box next to Apply to All Locations.  Then select Save Location.

Add in Bulk via a CSV file

To add store hours via a CSV file, you will need to know the correct format for the Time Zones and hours. The format for the Time Zones can be found in Time Zoneswhile the format for hours can be found in Upload in CSV. Follow the instructions in the Upload in .CSV article for other details when you upload.

Add Holiday/Special Hours

To add holiday hours to a location, go to Manage Locations, search for a location, and select edit on that location.

You will see 2 options: 

  • Add Holiday Hours: Allows you to add known holidays from a list, and display that location as closed or with special holiday hours.
  • Add Custom Hours: Allows you to add your own holidays or other days that are not included in our list when a location will be closed or will have special hours.

To add holiday hours, see the example below:

  • Select Add Holiday Hours. A list of holidays will appear.
  • Select the holiday that applies.
  • Select Closed if the location will be closed on that holiday.
  • Click the green check mark to save the holiday. There is no need to save the location.
  • If a location will be open on a holiday with non-regular hours, select Open in the drop down menu. Then select the correct hours from the list that appears, and select the green check mark to save:

  • To add a holiday that is not included in our list, select Add Custom Hours as in the example below:

  • Note in the example above that the day before New Year's Eve is not an official holiday, but if a location is closed on that day for some reason, you can simply type in the name of the day, and assign a date.
  • Select the green check box next to closed to save.
  • After you save the holiday, it will appear in bold:

  • If you make a mistake, (i.e. assign closed to a location erroneously for a particular day), simply hover over the saved holiday, and a pencil icon will appear. Click on the pencil, and you can make an edit, or delete the holiday:

  • To delete holiday hours, click the red "X" icon. The holiday will be removed. This works for holiday hours and special hours.

View Hours in your Web Interface

To view the Store Hours on your locator, go to Manage Interfaces and select View on the Interface you have created. Search for a location that has store hours. Locations that have store hours will have a “Business Hours” link in the location’s information. A convenient feature of our store locator is that it shows the current status of the hours of operation. A label will appear next to the business hours link indicating whether a store is open or closed, or opening or closing soon if it’s an hour from closing or opening.

Hover over the Business Hours link and the business hours will open up. “Today’s” hours are always displayed first. When there is a holiday the name of the holiday is included in parenthesis under to the day.

Note that hours are display on a weekly basis, therefore holidays will not be displayed until 7 days before the actual date.