Report Tools
Report Controls
Date Picker
Reports can be run for any date range in the past by using the date picker. Simply click on the current date range to open the picker, then click on the down arrows to select new From and To dates.
Saved Views
Several reports have the functionality to save multiple view of a report. Saved views remember your settings so you don't have to reconfigure a report each time you open it. All report customizations and settings are saved for the user that creates them, except the date range.
To save a new view, first configure the report, then click Save New from the report view options. Give the report view a name, and click OK. In the future, if you need to make changes to the report, you can click Save to save those changes with the same name. To delete a report, click Delete. To use a saved view, click the drop down arrow and select the desired report from the list of available reports.
Element Controls
Various reports and report elements, like charts and some tables, can be exported as pdf, Image, or Microsoft Excel/csv files. This functionality is available anywhere you see the export icon circled in red below.
Click on any icon to open the corresponding dialogue, where you can name the export file and select options. Exported reports are saved to the browser’s default download location.
Some tables are exported using the Export button located in the table toolbar. The toolbar button has the same options and functionality:
Table Controls
Drag and Drop Column Sorting
You can rearrange all columns as desired with an easy drag and drop action as described below. Select the column you want to drag and drag it to the location where you want it to appear. Release the mouse to “drop” the column in the desired location.
Column Sorting
You can sort all columns in ascending or descending order by simply clicking on the column header.In the default state, the columns are unsorted. To sort a column, click on the column header. It will be sorted in descending order. To sort in ascending order, click on the column header again.
There are several ways to filter table results to limit records to those with a specific value or values. One way is to simply type the desired value into the filter row in the column where the desired value is found. The filter row is a row of blank fields displayed directly under the column headers:
If there are finite number of values in a column - like Countryand State - you can choose values from a list by clicking the filter icon next to the column heading:
When a filter is created, the filter statement is displayed above the table. The filter can be edited using either of the methods described above, or by clicking on the filter statement to launch the filter builder. The filter builder can also be launched by clicking the Filter button above the table, directly to the left of the filter statement. In the example below, the State column has been filtered for the value “Alabama.” You can see the filter displayed in the filter row, filter statement, and the filter builder:
Row Grouping by Column
Some reports contain tables that can be group records by values of a single or multiple columns.
To group records, a user must drag-and-drop a column header to the group panel. When grouping is applied, records with identical values in the same column or several columns are combined into one or several corresponding groups. These groups are collapsed, and can be expanded by clicking the arrows to the left of the group name: The following example uses the State column to group locations.
Dragging the column header back from the group panel ungroups records.
Several report tables use drill down functionality to access data that is in a lower level of a hierarchically structured database. This functionality can be identified by the presence of an arrow to the left of rows:
Just click on arrow and drill down until you find the level of detail you require. Year/Month/Day is a typical use for drill down functionality. Drilling down in this manner results like so:
Column Chooser
Some tables utilize a column chooser to allow users to select which columns to display in the table, and to reorder them in the order they should appear. To open the column chooser, click the Columns button on the table toolbar:
When the column chooser opens, you’ll see a list of all available columns for whatever table you are working in. To the left of the column names is the sorting handle. Just click and drag columns to the desired order using this handle.
On the right, use the eyeball to set the visibility of a column to on or off. Visible columns will always be at the top of the list.
After configuring the column visibility and order, click the checkmark to save your changes, or click the X to exit the column chooser without saving your changes.